Press Release Ad Copy


I made this press release ad copy about the Nintendo Switch Sports for my Media Writing: Introduction class and this press release was basically about the current Nintendo Switch Sports game and what is the game about like it being a single player or multiplayer game up to 4 players and it being motion controller like the previous installments on the Wii which this version of the game playing with the joy-cons and having sports Bowling, Tennis, Badminton, Soccer, and Chambara (Swordplay). It was fun experience writing about this game since the first one in that series is part of my childhood with this one bringing back childhood memories while researching about it and writing about it.

My Strengths

  • Knowledgeable about Nintendo video game history.
  • Good job selling Nintendo Switch Sports.
  • Explanation of how to play the sports in the games.

Blog Super Smash Bros.

Like I mentioned in my Web Design page I did assignment about blog it was also Media Writing assignment the writing component of Super Smash Bros. blogs were fun because I’m writing about something I’m passionate about like giving my top 10 best list of characters which I listed reasons why I feel a certain is ranked this way let’s say a character like King K. Rool who is a heavyweight character he’s really powerful character but he is slow he would be ranked lower on my list just because of the fact him being slow or Mewtwo who is ranked #2 on my list he is a psynic type character he can teleport and avoid damage from an opponent and is really fast and if he uses his psynic powers on you it creates a lot of damage. It was fun to write about these blogs since I’m passionate about this video game series getting to explore my knowledge and my creativity of thoughts of all the games.

My Strenghts

  • Knowledgeable about Super Smash Bros. history.
  • Good at explaining Super Smash Bros. for new consumers.
  • Going into detail about my tier list of why a certain character is better than one other.


I wrote and designed a SEO for Pizza Pizza for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram I basically looked at their writing style for each social media platform and made it fit my own style for each social media platforms.